Bible Club Lessons

01-Creation of the World
02-Adam and Eve
03-The Fall of Man
04-Cain and Abel
05-Enoch and Methuselah
06-Noah Builds the Ark
07-The Great Flood
08-Rainbow Covenant
09-Tower of Babel
10-Call of Abram
11-God’s Promise to Abram
12-Birth of Ishmael
13-Birth of Isaac
14-Abraham’s Test
15-Birthright and Blessing
16-Jacob’s Dream
17-Joseph’s Coat
18-Joseph Sold by Brothers
19-Joseph in Egypt
20-Joseph’s Reunion

06-Noah Builds the Ark
07-The Great Flood
08-Rainbow Covenant

Armor of God
S1-Armor of God
S2-Belt of Truth
S3-Righteous Breastplate
S4-Shoes of Peace
S5-Shield of Faith
S6-Helmet of Salvation
S7-Sword of the Spirit
S8-Prayer in the Spirit

Parables of Jesus
S1-The Good Samaritan
S2-The Sower
S3-The Prodigal Son
S4-The Good Shepherd
S5-Ten Bridesmaids
S6-The Two Builders
S7-Rich Man & Lazarus

God Is…
S1-God is Omnipotent
S2-God is Omniscient
S3-God is Omnipresent
S4-God is Immutable
S5-God is Eternal
S6-God is a Trinity

God’s Plan
S1-Inspired Word
S2-God the Trinity
S3-Son of God – Son of Man
S4-Sin Is…
S5 – Salvation Is…